Yearly Archives: 2015

In Surgent’s latest blog, learn more about how to sell your services to prospective clients while continuing to nurture relationships with current clients.

Section199A Service Business Disadvantage

Surgent’s blog discussing helpful ways to work with diverse environments in a productive work place.

Surgent’s blog, 5 Desired Traits of Entry-Level Auditors, discusses the characteristics needed to become successful as a tax professional.

The Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA) was enacted by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1998 with the intent of preventing Internet access from being taxed by local and state governments.

Federal Perkins Loan Program expired in September. As a result, many students will have to take a different approach to financial aid. As a tax professional, here is what you need to know.

Because average wages for women are still less than that of their male counterparts, an income-based benefit like Social Security is less for women. We have highlighted how some of the more specific wording and rules may leave women with less than they should be entitled to.

Learn how to advise clients to get the most tax benefits out of their real estate investment.

As a tax practitioner, you are required to master complex tax issues in order to prepare tax returns and give advice to your clients. This responsibility can be scarier than any haunted house. With this come risk of making a mistake that generates a malpractice lawsuit. But before you go hide under the covers, read about the risks and what you can do to avoid them.

Our latest blog about how you as a financial adviser can best assist your clients with their estate and life planning.

Accounting for non-profits requires a unique knowledge base, this blog details how to handle non-profit financial reporting and changes that are on their way.