Are you currently in or looking for an entry-level auditing position? Accounting firms rely on auditors to provide quality, accurate work in order to be successful and profitable. As an entry-level auditor, there are certain work ethics and practices that can set you apart and make you a star employee. We recommend committing to these traits in how you approach your daily tasks.
Be Effective
Manage your time well and complete tasks that are assigned. Consider due dates as a requirement, not something to be negotiated. Stay focused on the tasks at hand to demonstrate your commitment to both your company and your clients. Having a good attitude toward your work responsibilities can make all the difference when it comes to being more effective and tackling tasks.
Be Efficient
Work smarter, not harder. Time is money and you are being paid to produce a service for your clients. Research to develop ways you can work most efficiently by using the latest technology and practices. Never stop learning. It is so important that you always find new ways to be the best you can be at your specific job.
Take Initiative
Be proactive, in everything you do there is most likely a way to take it to the next level. If you find yourself completing tasks with extra time in your schedule, leverage this unassigned time to benefit you in the long run. Use this time to support your co-workers, develop more efficient systems or research trends and changes in the tax industry.
Be Confident
Most people think confidence means you believe you do everything right. This is not what we mean at all. Confidence as an entry-level auditor means you are established enough in your abilities to be teachable, to learn and to adapt. This kind of attitude enables you to embrace constructive feedback and move forward with confidence. The knowledge that you are doing your best and working hard will often times boost this confidence.
Be a Team Player
Chances are with your first just you will be working with others often. You may be asked to collaborate on certain clients while you learn the ins and outs of your specific company. It is so important that you embrace this opportunity to be a team player. Handling team situations with integrity, honesty and discernment will prove your leadership abilities to company management.
Some of these traits may come naturally to you and some of them may take practice. Now is the time to work on incorporating them into your professional routine. Establishing these traits as habits in your daily career life will set your up for short and long-term success as a tax professional. Set personal goals as you work toward successfully implementing these characteristics.
How can these traits be applied in your day to day as an auditor? How can you set tangible personal goals? How can you resolve difficult scenarios as a new professional? We are so glad you asked! Desired Traits of Entry Level Auditors, the latest webinar from Surgent, can help set you up for success – sign up today!