Author Archives: Surgent CPE

Gamified training solutions

Game-based CPE/CE courses give tax and accounting professionals another learning option  In the post-pandemic world, and considering the continuation of the great resignation, attracting and retaining talent has been a significant focus of public accounting firms. Learning and development leads are compelled to create a vibrant workplace brand that attracts top people. But then, you […]

Gamified CE

Game-based CE courses make learning fun for professionals For most accounting, finance and tax professionals continuing education courses are a requirement of the job. But continuing education courses don’t have to be boring. Are you tired of traditional approaches to learning? Are you bored by lectures or zone out easily when watching recorded videos? Today’s […]

Are you considering bringing Quickbooks to your CPA Practice? Here’s a 4-step solution from Quickbooks expert Ilene Eisen, CPA.

Energy is often one of the most ignored — and most important — factors in individual and corporate success. If you think your organization needs an energy boost, here’s a 4-step diagnostic tool to find out, from change management and corporate identity consultant Greg Conderacci.


The AICPA is seeking a new tax form to improve S-corp shareholder compliance with basis rules, but will it resolve the nightmare of reconstructing basis? Tony Nitti weighs in.

federal tax update video

With the amount of tax updates coming down the pipeline this year, Forbes tax policy blogger Tony Nitti, CPA, shares on this video why 2017 is not the year to put off completing your Federal Tax Update CPE requirement.

middle income estate planning

Too often, middle income clients fail to seek the advice of a CPA because they’ve been taken in by two common myths. We know these are myths because every year, our estate planning discussion leaders present courses packed with practical tips and creative strategies that can be used for and with middle income clients. We’ve picked five of those tips to share with you.

When a client starts a new business, the first question is choice of entity. The advice you offer is arguably the most important advice you will ever offer the client, given the wildly different ways that entities are taxed. The second question is, perhaps, the tax consequences of changing the original choice. Congress continues to […]