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Surgent CPE Webinars and Live Seminars

Surgent CPE webinars and live seminars courses provide CPAs, tax preparers, and other financial professionals with thousands of NASBA-approved options for continuing professional education.

Surgent CPE courses are ideal if you are a public accountant who needs to understand the very latest information, regulatory changes, and practical issues related to tax, accounting, audit, ethics, government, non-profit, and technology topics that affect practicing CPAs.

Since NASBA counts Surgent CPE webinars as live events, they are also perfect for CPAs serving in other financial professions, such as CFOs or controllers, who need the most convenient way to meet their state CPE requirements.

Surgent self-study CPE courses are a great choice for CPAs who prefer self-paced learning that can be worked into any schedule. In fact, downloadable self-study PDFs are the most efficient way for fast readers to earn CPE credits.

Learn more about Surgent CPE webinars, as well as live seminars conducted in partnership between state societies of CPAs and Surgent McCoy.

Are you a subject matter expert in your field? Do you have a passion for teaching? Surgent would love to hear from you! We're always looking for fresh faces to help deliver the best CPE content on the market. Email us today at if you're interested in joining our faculty.

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