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Fraud, Forensics, Valuation CPE Courses


Fraud, Forensics, and Valuation CPE courses from Surgent help certified public accountants (CPAs), Internal Auditors, and other accounting and tax professionals prevent or identify fraud, uncover hidden assets, and assign accurate values to assets that may be at issue in a business sale, a divorce, an estate, or a merger. If you are delivering services in the complex area of fraud, forensics, and valuation, Surgent has the online courses you need to master the issues. Our popular overview course on fraud basics focuses on reducing the overall risk of fraud by examining what factors contribute to turning honest employees into schemers, as well as emerging issues related to the darknet and cryptocurrency fraud. We also offer a number of courses on designing and evaluating internal controls, courses on assessing fraud risk in a financial statement audit, as well as deep dives into the COSO Internal Control - Integrated Framework. 

Our courses are applicable for accountants both in public and private practice responsible for designing, evaluating, and/or monitoring internal controls over financial reporting. When you take Fraud, Forensics, and Valuation live webinars or self-study courses from Surgent, you’ll earn the CPE credits you need, while building the knowledge to help you grow and deepen your skills. Self-study courses are available as downloadable PDFs and on-demand webcasts. Surgent is registered with NASBA as a CPE QAS sponsor, and approved by all state boards of accountancy to provide CPE credits.

Surgent offers a variety of courses for CPAs, CIAs (Certified Internal Auditors), and CFEs (certified fraud examiners) to help them continue their professional education and fulfill essential CPE hours. These courses cover a range of topics, including: forensic accounting, business valuation, internal controls, financial forensics, fraud prevention, fraud investigation, risk management, recent fraud cases, and more.

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