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Business and Industry CPE Courses


Business and Industry CPE courses from Surgent support the professional education needs of certified public accountants (CPAs) serving in corporate finance roles, such as CFOs, controllers, internal auditors, other industry CPAs, and their staffs. These online CPE courses provide updates on the latest developments at the standard setters, review accounting-related business laws, impart critical corporate tax planning insights, and provide opportunities for financial executives to build the professional skills needed to deliver greater levels of personal and organizational success.

Surgent Business and Industry CPE courses impart key insights, provide critical updates, and deliver invaluable tips for increased effectiveness. From helping financial executives understand economic trends and analyze their impact on you and your organization, to helping you stay updated on how key FASB and IASB rules and projects impact leases, fair value, derivatives accounting, revenue recognition, and more, Surgent continuing education courses will deliver the CPE credits you need to stay compliant, while providing the insights you need to be most effective. 

Surgent also offers a number of CPE courses covering specialized and emerging topics, such as our highly practical courses on Excel for accounting and finance professionals, our new curriculum on data analytics topics, our Yellow Book courses (also available as part of our Yellow Book Package), and our popular series on controllership skills.

Surgent offers CPE courses for CPAs at all levels serving in business and industry. Courses are available in several convenient online formats, including live webinars, downloadable self-study courses with downloadable PDFs, and on-demand webcasts. In addition to the individual CPE courses searchable here, Surgent offers several CPE packages for Corporate Professionals.

Financial professionals and accounting professionals working in all businesses and organization types, including LLCs,  S Corporations, C Corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and all other types of business entity must ensure that they stay informed on industry and legislative changes, technology, and more. Surgent CPE courses will help you do that, while also building the skills that will help you take your career to the next level.

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