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Defining Skill Level in CPE Courses for CPAs


Frequent changes in the accounting industry means regulations and standard practices rapidly become obsolete. Keeping up with new requirements is a priority in the field. Continuing professional education (CPE) is the formal process to ensure that CPAs participate in updating their skills throughout their careers.

Each CPA CPE course description includes certain information that makes it easier for you to select the CPE courses that best meet your needs. One of the most critical pieces of information is the course level, which specifies the audience that will benefit most from the presentation.


Those just starting out in the profession typically choose basic CPE courses for CPAs, which offer an introduction to a variety of skills and concepts. Individuals in entry-level or staff positions are likely to gain the most benefit from basic courses. Examples of introductory courses include:

Tenured CPAs may also choose courses at the basic level when they have had limited exposure to the subject being discussed.


Once the basics have been mastered, many CPAs want to expand their knowledge, so they begin taking CPE courses for CPAs that offer greater depth. The intermediate level builds on the basics, providing a deeper dive into the details of a particular topic. Examples of intermediate CPA CPE courses include:

These courses are most appropriate for experienced professionals. Participants are typically mid-level within their organizations, and they often have operational or supervisory responsibilities.


Once you have mastered a particular topic, advanced courses in that subject area are right for you. These presentations add to in-depth knowledge, and they explore a broader range of skill application. Examples of advanced CPE courses for CPAs include:

Generally, senior leaders in the organization participate in advanced courses, though there are situations in which less-tenured CPAs can benefit.

Many providers offer CPE courses for CPAs, though the level of quality varies widely. CPE leaders such as Surgent make your learning a priority, engaging skilled professionals to deliver the most up-to-date information in convenient live and on-demand online formats.

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