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Webinar System Test

Welcome to our Webinar System Test. You can use this test to check if your computer or mobile device can access our platform. This test can also help you identify some basic issues that may negatively affect your webinar viewing experience. For the best viewing experience, we recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and using a stable internet connection. Please note: We do not support viewing our webinars using a remote desktop or a virtual private network due to various security settings.

Experiencing issues while using the test? Take a look at our Support Page here.

Disclaimer: This system test can help indicate if there may be a problem with your setup. Due to various factors outside of our control, a successful test should not be taken as a guarantee that your computer will work on the day of your webinar. Recommendations provided in this test and by technical support are not always guaranteed to work as success is dependent on various factors outside of our control.
CPE Webinars
CPE Webinars

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